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paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary



General information about paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary

Liquid paraffin is one of the petroleum derivatives that is used as mineral oil in various fields. Paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary usually have similar characteristics, but it is possible that in some cases these two grades have differences from each other. Industrial paraffin, also known as kerosene, is commonly used as a widely used fuel. Sanitary liquid paraffin is refined and highly purified paraffin, which is usually used in the production of various types of cosmetic and health products. In general, this product is a highly refined mineral oil that is used in many fields. This product can even be used as an edible material and it is used in such fields. The hygienic type of this product has many differences from its industrial type, and these two different grades should not be used interchangeably. In this context, we intend to talk to you completely about the unique features of paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary, so stay with us for more information.


Usage of paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary

In general, paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary is used in various fields.  For example, in the field of chemical fuels, liquid paraffin can be used in lights and lamps. This product does not produce any smoke or smell when burning, and this has made it popular in various fields. In industrial and textile fields, liquid paraffin can be used as a lubricant. This oily substance can be used for weaving, and other purposes. Liquid paraffin is used in cosmetic medicine fields to solve problems such as constipation. In addition, this substance can have many benefits for skin and hair, and it is also used in making skin and hair care products. In the food industry, paraffin can be used as a coating to increase the life of fruits and eggs.


chemical fuels liquid paraffin can be used in lights and lamps
industrial and textile fields lubricant, weaving, and other purposes
cosmetic medicine this substance can have many benefits for skin and hair
food industry as a coating to increase the life of fruits and eggs




Technical data sheet & chemical Formula

According to the available information, paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary has unique characteristics, but it should be used with care. The chemical formula of liquid paraffin is CnH2n+2. Due to its widespread use, this product is currently produced in various and different grades. Pay attention to the fact that maybe liquid paraffin is a very practical material, but in any case, various factors should be taken into account before using it.  Liquid paraffin is a chemical substance that will be used in the cosmetic, medical, and food fields; Therefore, the desired actions should be done under the supervision of experts. It is only in this situation that it can be ensured that the use of industrial and sanitary liquid paraffin cannot have harmful effects on people’s health.


Chemical formula CnH2n+2
Physical and chemical properties Colorless oily liquid form
Melting point -24 ºC
Boiling point 300 ºC
Density 0.85 g/mL at 20°C
Flash point < 300 ºC
Solubility Insoluble in water


How is packing of paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary?

In general, paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary is sold in 175 kg barrels, and you can satisfy your needs using these barrels.  In addition to this relatively large packaging, you can also get liquid paraffin in smaller packages for various purposes and use them. The package of liquid paraffin must be completely sealed. This product is liquid and therefore it must be packed in fully insulated containers and delivered to the customer.


How is packing of paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary?


Safety & warning & transportation

To maintain the quality of paraffin liquid industrial and sanitary, it is better to keep this product in a dry place away from direct sunlight.  In addition, the place where the liquid paraffin will be stored must have very good ventilation. For transferring this product, you must prevent any physical damage so that the product reaches the destination with high quality. Also, make sure that the container door is closed after each use and before loading.


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