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thinner 40000



General information about thinner 40000

Thinner 40000, also known as instant thinner, is a completely dry, fat-free, and very light product. This kind of thinner is produced from cellulosic solvents and is used as a base thinner for various coatings in industries such as automotive. This product can be combined with different kinds of putty, and paints and be used in various fields in different industries. This product is used for washing metal surfaces, degreasing, removing dust, diluting paints, etc. The higher the number of thinners, the stronger it is. For example, thinner 40000 has more power than thinner 30000 and can be used in a wide range of fields. We are going to tell you more about the unique features of this product. So stay with us for more information.



Usage of thinner 40000

This thinner derivative product is used in various fields. In the fields of dilution, this product can be used to dilute the paint off cars, the paint of buildings, etc. In general, wherever you want to use oil paints, you can use a thinner 40000. In the field of cleaning, you can use this thinner to wash metal surfaces, and fats, and also to remove dust. In manufacturing industries, this product is used to produce canvas, glass, wood, plastic, leather, metal, paper, ceramic tile, crystal, cardboard, fabric, etc. It is precise because of these widespread uses that currently millions of tons of this product are produced and sent to the market. You can get this product at the most affordable cost and use it.


used to dilute the paint off cars, the paint of buildings, etc. dilution
wash metal surfaces, and fats, and also to remove dust cleaning
used to produce canvas, glass, wood, plastic, leather, metal, paper, ceramic tile, crystal, cardboard, fabric, etc. manufacturing industries




Technical data sheet & chemical Formula

The chemical formula of the thinner 40000 is C4H8O. Of course, this chemical formula belongs to the thinner itself, but the same chemical formula is usually used for its different derivatives. Thinner 40000 is a clear, light, colorless, and highly flammable liquid. This product has a high evaporation rate and therefore it should be used in suitable packages. The use of this product can increase the drying speed of the paint and is also very effective in reducing its concentration. This product usually enters the market at very affordable prices, and for this reason, it can be used in various fields with cost savings.


C4H8O Chemical formula
Liquid Physical state
Clear Color
Strong Odor
-94.96°C Melting point/freezing point
136.16°C Initial boiling point and boiling range



How is packing of thinner 40000?

Manufacturers bring thinner 40000 into the market in various packages. You can get this type of thinner in the form of a liter package, gallon package, 180-liter barrel package, etc. Because the thinner 40000 is used both for home and industrial use, it should be available in various packages in the market. It is precisely for this reason that you can get this product in different volumes and use them. If you want to use this product in bulk, you can buy several thousand-liter containers of this product.


How is packing of thinner 40000


Safety & warning & transportation

The vapor of thinner 40000 is highly flammable. For this reason, you should pay a lot of attention to safety factors when storing this product.  Never allow this chemical to enter nature because any thinner derivative can be dangerous for nature.  In the storage area of ​​this product, use anti-explosion electrical equipment and also install an air conditioner in the storage area. When working with this product, use high-quality clothes, gloves, and safety masks to prevent any health problems. To transport this product, use containers that have no seams. Because this product is a very volatile substance, the presence of small seams can cause the loss of this type of thinner.


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