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Para phenylene diamine


General information about Para phenylene diamine

Para phenylene diamine is an excellent compound that is a derivative of aniline. This product is a colorless solid that usually has a yellowish color due to various impurities. This yellow color is caused by the oxidation of this product. Para phenylene diamine has wide uses in various industries and is used as a component of engineering polymers and composites. In addition, this product is one of the main ingredients of different types of hair colors. This product is marketed in different packages and is mass-produced and used due to its unique features. In the continuation of this content, we intend to talk to you about the features of this product.


Usage of Para phenylene diamine

We told you earlier that this chemical is a very widely used product that is used in various fields.  In general, the main use of Para phenylene diamine is in the production of different types of hair dyes. This product is used as a color mediator and can greatly increase hair color acceptability. For this reason, the use of Para phenylene diamine in the dyeing industry is relatively wide. But due to its toxicity and dangerous compounds, it is suggested not to use too much hair dye that contains this product. In addition, in the field of engineering and construction, this product can be used as a part of engineering polymers as well as composites, and it is usually used to improve the quality of these products. Note that the uses of this product are not limited to the two we mentioned. This product can be used in various other industries such as textile industries, and the manufacture of rubber chemicals, and pigments.



hair dyes used as a color mediator and can greatly increase hair color acceptability
engineering and construction used to improve the quality of these products




Technical data sheet & chemical Formula

In general, Para phenylene diamine ( chemical formula: C6H8N2 ) is a solid substance, but for use in various fields, it is possible to make this product into a liquid state and use it afterward. This product has a great effect on hair coloring, but on the other hand, it can be harmful to the health of the body and cause various sensitivities. Usually, many people may not be able to use chemicals due to their sensitivity to chemicals. As a rule, if you have a chemical sensitivity, you should not use hair dyes whose main ingredient is Para phenylene diamine.


C6H8N2 Chemical formula
108.14 g/mol Molar mass
267 °C Boiling point
Organic compound Classification
white (tan when impure) Appearance
143-145 °C Melting point
10% at 40 °C 87% at 107 C 100% at 140 C Solubility in water



How is packing of Para phenylene diamine?

The chemical Para phenylene diamine usually reaches consumers in 25 kg barrels and drums. Of course, according to the field of use, you can get this product in larger or smaller packages and use it. It is important to note that due to the unique features of this product, you should go to a reliable seller so that you can use the desired product more safely and confidently. Pay attention to the fact that Para phenylene diamine must be used in carefully prescribed doses for cosmetic purposes because excessive use of this chemical can have harmful effects on the health of people’s skin and hair.


How is packing of Para phenylene diamine


Safety & warning & transportation

Para phenylene diamine is a dangerous product, and short-term and high-volume exposure to this product may cause eye irritation and tear, asthma, kidney failure, dizziness, shivering, convulsions, and even coma in some acute cases. For this reason, usually, people who are going to work with this chemical industrially must use special quality clothes, gloves, and masks so that no problem happens to them. In general, this material is not sensitive, so there is no need to pay attention to any special factors for moving and storing it. The only point that is necessary to pay attention to is to choose a safe and clean place to store this product and be sure to tighten the lid of the product after each use. The presence of pollution or dust in the packaging of this product can greatly affect its quality.