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PVC Suspension


General information about PVC Suspension

PVC is known as one of the most valuable commercial products that can be suitable for various purposes by using different types of stabilizers and production methods. PVC is currently produced through various methods, and each of these methods can somehow affect the quality characteristics of the final product. PVC Suspension or Polyvinyl Chloride Suspension is one of the most widely used types of PVC, which is produced under certain conditions. Currently, about 80% of the PVC produced worldwide is PVC Suspension. This shows how popular this type of PVC is and how wide its fields of use are. This type of PVC is usually produced in powder form and is used to produce different types of transparent plastic products. To get more information about Polyvinyl Chloride Suspension, we suggest you follow us to the end of this content.

 Usage of PVC Suspension

In PVC Suspension, the size of the particles produced is larger than in other cases. This issue has caused this product to have unique mechanical properties. Polyvinyl Chloride Suspension is an excellent option for the production and molding of products with high curvature because it has very high flexibility. This product has many uses. For example, in the construction industry, PVC Suspension can be used to produce door and window frames. This product can be used in the automotive industry to produce various types of car parts. Polyvinyl Chloride Suspension is one of those products that, in addition to the mentioned items, have very wide uses for the production of wall coverings, household appliances, medical supplies, packaging, etc.

construction industry used to produce door and window frames
automotive industry used to produce various types of car parts

 Usage of PVC Suspension

Technical data sheet & chemical Formula

The chemical formula of PVC Suspension is known as (H2C–CHCl)n. This chemical formula shows the unique and amazing features of this PVC grade. Polyvinyl Chloride Suspension has amazing flexibility and is therefore very resistant to brittleness. You can use this product in any weather with any environmental features. This type of PVC has a very affordable price and can maintain its unique characteristics in a wide temperature range. In addition, Polyvinyl Chloride Suspension shows high resistance against chemical factors. This product is also very resistant to UV rays, that’s why it can be used to produce various industrial machines. Appropriate processability and compatibility with additives have made this product known as one of the most widely used products and raw materials in various industries.


Chemical formula (H2C–CHCl)n
Physical form Solid, Powder
Softening point 70 °C – 80 °C
Melting point 170 °C – 200 °C

 How is packing of PVC Suspension?

PVC Suspension is among those products that are usually produced in powder form. Buying this product in powder form makes the process of using and combining this product much easier. You can get Polyvinyl Chloride Suspension in a small form in plastic or paper packages of 25 kg. Of course, if you plan to use this product in larger and wider industries, you can also get this type of PVC in larger quantities.

How is packing of PVC Suspension?

How is packing of PVC Suspension?


Safety & warning & transportation


PVC Suspension is one of those products that, as we told you before, is very resistant to environmental and chemical factors. For this reason, you don’t need to pay attention to many security factors for its storage. Of course, to maintain the final quality of the produced product, try to consider a place away from pollution and suitable for storing this product. Do not forget that PVC is a chemical suspension anyway. For this reason, to work with it, standard and appropriate masks and clothes must be used so that the health of the workers is not endangered. To move this product, use sealed containers because environmental factors such as humidity can greatly reduce the purity of this chemical.


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